Tom Vilsack

Tom Vilsack: A Friend to Farmers and Forests


Meet Tom Vilsack, a dedicated and hardworking individual who has made a big impact on the world, especially in helping farmers and preserving our precious forests. Born on December 13, 1950, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Tom has dedicated his life to public service, making sure our communities are healthy and our environment stays beautiful.

Early Life and Education:

Growing up, Tom was always fascinated by the outdoors. His love for nature and his desire to make a positive change in the world led him to study at Hamilton College and later attend Albany Law School. Little did he know that these experiences would shape his future as a champion for agriculture and environmental conservation.

A Friend to Farmers:

Tom Vilsack became the 30th Secretary of Agriculture in the United States under President Barack Obama, and he served for eight years, from 2009 to 2017. Imagine being in charge of the country's agriculture – that's a big responsibility! Tom worked tirelessly to support farmers and ensure that they had the tools and resources they needed to grow the food that ends up on our tables.

One of Tom's important initiatives was promoting sustainable farming practices. He encouraged farmers to use eco-friendly methods that not only protect the environment but also make sure we have healthy and nutritious food to eat. Tom believes that by taking care of our farmers, we take care of our communities.

Preserving Our Forests:

Tom Vilsack is also passionate about preserving our forests. As the Chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), he worked on programs that aimed to keep our forests healthy and thriving. Why is this important? Well, forests are like the lungs of the Earth – they provide us with clean air to breathe and are home to countless plants and animals.

Under Tom's leadership, the USDA focused on preventing wildfires, promoting responsible logging practices, and conserving land for future generations. Tom Vilsack understands that we need to take care of our environment so that it can take care of us.

Legacy and Continuing the Journey:

Even though Tom Vilsack's time as the Secretary of Agriculture has come to an end, his legacy lives on. He continues to advocate for sustainable practices, and he encourages kids like you to learn about where your food comes from and how important it is to care for the environment.

Tom Vilsack is a true hero for farmers and forests. Through his dedication and hard work, he has shown us that each of us can make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's by supporting local farmers or taking small steps to protect our environment, we can all follow in Tom's footsteps and make the world a better place for everyone.